About the Blog
It is my hope that this blog fills an empty spot in the Transportation Engineering industry. I’m thankful for the large professional organizations that house many high quality pieces of publications and articles. There is, however, a lack of discussion about day-to-day work. I’ve yet to see, for example, anything outside of DOT manuals and old Bentley forums for how to approach Open Roads Designer.
How many engineers share their best practices or methodologies that have greatly improved their work? Who is there to ask about managing workload? What are some essential things for a first year engineer to know?
Most of these discussions do not exist, are poor in quality, out of date by a decade, or are difficult to find. This overgrown, uninhabited hill is the spot I’d like to place my flag. Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to start clearing some trees and underbrush.
About the Blogger
My name is Jack Yuill. I’m a transportation engineer who specializes in roadways and all things related to them. I am also a Christian, a husband to a wonderful Bride, and a proud father of beautiful children. Outside of spending time with family, I enjoy coffee, reading, and yardwork.