Category: ADA-AAHHHH!
ADA-AAHHHH! Friday (11/22/2024)
Strategic Grates Oh, Man… Curb Ramp or Trick Ramp? The Same Applies to You, Mr. Pole… Biiiiiiig Hill
ADA-AAHHH! Friday (11/15/2024)
Clear Zone Special Edition I’m looking around for more good ADA pictures. This week, enjoy some classics given to us by our friends in the civil site groups we all know and love. New Development, Old Playbook Another from the same Playbook… One Good Thing About Developers If you come across some great sidewalk examples,…
ADA-AAHHHH! Friday (11/7/2024)
Pardon the Pole Slightly Greater Than 5% “Priority” Mail Over Accessibility Now If Only I Could Do This For Every Project
ADA-AAHHHH! Friday (11/1/2024)
I think it might be fun to have a weekly posting of some ADA related things I’ve come across. Here’s a few. They never moved the ped pole… Nope, can’t cross and go to the restaurant! Nice push button location! Optional Curb Ramps If you have any you come across, send them my way. I…