When Clipping Goes To Far

Yeah there’s clipping issue here…

A Sticky Pair of Scissors

Corridor clipping is weird and you should avoid it when possible. Welp, I can end our long conversation there but I’ll try to extend that idea a little.

Corridor clipping does what it says it does. It takes a secondary corridor and clips it into a primary one. The visuals of a side road and a main road at an intersection are now nice to look at and the cross section viewer doesn’t show those corridors overlapping each other like you saw them doing when you shared your screen in an important meeting. “Well I’ve got some more fine tuning to do after this, so.”

The issue I raise with corridor clipping is that it makes it very difficult to keep up with and to communicate design intent with other team members working on the project. When I say design intent I mean to say the way your work leads others to track with you and your reasoning on why you did what you did. I think clipping is just too vague and not reliable when big changes come to a corridor. I see it less like a well communicated design left by an engineer and more like a sticky piece of gum on the pavement. No one knows why it’s there, they’re everywhere, and no one wants to have to go and remove them. I have an alternative to this. A dot.

A Dot?

Yes a dot. And not just any dot, a template with a singular null point with no constraints, named “NULL”, with the template origin set about that point. You can insert this template in an existing corridor and it will split the existing templates to fit this one in. You are left with the same function as what a corridor clip does but now you have design intent. You are free to move this template wherever you like and as the project needs. Think of it as a corridor clip but with handles you can manipulate. This should work on both the conventional modeling method and the 3D Linear Method, which I will commend to you to adopt over the conventional method.

A Small Side Note

I was pleased to make this blog website but was surprised to see some inappropriate advertisements on it. I’ve gone ahead and paid my dues to have these removed permanently. There shouldn’t be anymore of those weirdos around.